Novel ponder 4!

Kia Ora Bloggers,

Sophie here with another Novel Ponder from our new book the explorer!

Here is this weeks Novel Ponder!

Here is my attempt of putting these words into a sentenec

Barreling: My friends and I were barreling to the finish line

Ferocious: The tiger is feroucious

Terrified: I was terrified on my first tennis match

Quivering: My voice was quivering as I answered the question

Radiated: The earth depends on heat and light radiated by the sun

Bludgeoned: I bludgeoned my way through the crowd

Do you like my sentences?

Let me know!

Blog you later!

Novel Ponder!

Hiya Bloggers,

Sophie here

Here is my first novel ponder for the new book we are reading

The book is called The Explorer and it’s so cool!

I would feel very scared and I would have no clue on what to do especially if I was all alone

What would you do and how would you feel?

Let me know!

Bye bloggers!

Maratime Museum Trip!!!

Hiya Blogers!

Yesterday the Pod was the last of the Kauri classes to go to the Maratime Museum!

It was so fun and I had a great time with all my friends!

We went to the Maratime Museum to learn about  the history of Maratime and the immigration of New Zealand!

Once we had arrived and eaten our food my group was the first to go on the Ted Ashby sail boat!

It was soo fun, I really ejnoyed putting up the sail and just being on the boat!

It was also soo fun when this person called Ben lit the cannon and it made a massive BANG!!!

Here are some photos of the Maratime trip!

There is also a video of us putting up the sail!-And my friends remaking the titanic!!!

Have you ever been the the Maraitime Museum?
Let me know!

Blog you later!

Novel Ponder 10!

Hiya Bloggers!

Sophie here with another blog post!

This term we have been reading Amorangi and Millie’s trip through time!

Here is the last Novel Ponder!

I really enjoyed reading this book and I got to learn about all the different changes there are throughout time.

Have you finished reading this book?

What did you think of the book overal/so far?

Let me know!

Blog you later,



Novel Ponder 9

Hiya Bloggers!

Sophie here with another novel ponder!

Here is the Novel Ponder 9!

If I could be any animal I would be a fox

I would be a fox because they are my favorite animal and I think it would be so cool to just rome around in the wild and the feeling of being free.

If you could be any animal in the world what animal would you be and why?

Let me know!

Blog you later!


Novel Ponder: My Chimaera!

Hi Bloggers!

Sophie here with another novel ponder!

Here it is!

If i could create an animal I would mix together a fox, butterfly and frog!

The special power or gift my animal would have is flying!

Here are the animals i want to mix!

If you could mix animals together which animals would you mix?

Can you come up with a name for all the animals i mixed together?

Let me know! Byee!



Film Festival!

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Sophie here with another blog post!

For the past few weeks my friends and I have been working hard to put together a film for the film festival. I can’t  tell you what the films about but tune in because when I have finished the film I will post it on my blog for you to view!

Here is a clue for what its about:
Check out my other film festival post because I’m doing something like that again this year~
Blog you later bloggers!

Netball Mushroom

Hi Bloggers!

Yesterday 4 Owairaka Netball teams went into a netball tournament at windmill park.

In my netball team there was:

Anabel Rose

Our team one every game leading up to the finals then we lost in a next goal winner tiebreaker which was really dissapointing.

I played A pretty much the whole time.

Do you like netball?
Let me know!


Novel Ponder 3!

Kia Ora bloggers!

Sophie here with another novel ponder!

Here is a novel ponder about the latest book we’ve been reading!

Here it is!

If i could meet my parents when they were my age I would ask some questions like whats there favorite food or color to see if they are compatible with me!

What would you say to your parents if you could meet them as a child?

Let me know!
